Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

We’re Homeschooling!

I can’t tell you how excited I am for our first year of homeschool! It is evidence of God’s faithfulness to me. I never planned for or dreamed of homeschooling, but I can look back and see how God was preparing me for this.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Sharing Christian Faith with Young Children

Raising children is a holy responsibility. My prayer is that our children would know and love God at an early age. That they would hear the gospel and receive the grace and forgiveness of the cross. That they would yield their lives to their Savior and ask the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of them. We believe our role as parents is to show our children the love and goodness of God through our actions while also presenting the truth of the gospel. And we believe it is ultimately the power of God that will lead them to Him.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Father’s Day 2023

It’s been a special tradition of creating homemade cards for Father’s Day. So far we’ve done golf, fishing, and grilling themed cards. This year’s card is all about growth. We want to honor Matt for not only being a provider for our family, but also remind him of the role he plays in the growth and training of our children. I love including the boys’ prints on the cards, and this year, I used their fingerprints.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Freezer Smoothie Bags

I love a smoothie. But oftentimes, it just feels like too much work: ensuring I have all the ingredients on hand, remembering proportions, chopping fruit, and ultimately making a mess of my kitchen. A few years ago, I set out to simplify the process. My solution: freezer smoothie bags.

One afternoon of prep yields easy and fresh smoothies for weeks! There are a million ways to make a smoothie, but I’ve shared my go-to method below.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Favorite Clothing Brands for Little Boys

To be honest, dressing my children isn’t something I particularly love. Purchasing the right sizes for different seasons, coordinating outfits, and watching our budget is a recipe for stress in my life. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about just grabbing all of their things at Target and Walmart and calling it a day. Which, hear me say this, you can totally do! However, I’ve found that why the process of buying clothes for my boys isn’t super enjoyable, I have some fierce opinions and preferences on how they dress. I’m currently dressing my almost 6 year old, 3.5 year old, and 18 month old, and I hope sharing my favorite brands and places to shop helps make the process easier for you!

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

20 Favorite Board Books

There’s a shelf in the nursery that holds all of our baby-proof board books. I believe early literacy starts here. Sturdy books for tiny hands.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Back to School Traditions

While we still have 3 weeks until our kids go back to school, most kindergarteners in our area start next week!! To all the mamas cherishing these last few days with their sweet 5 year olds: I’m sobbing right alongside you!

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Father’s Day 2022

Every year for Father’s Day I love to create a homemade card with my boys. Two years ago, we created a golf themed card, last year we created a fishing themed card, and this year we went with a grilling theme! I always include the boys’ handprints, and it’s really sweet to see them grow each year!

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Usborne Books & More: Our Favorite Series

I fell in love with Usborne Books & More when a friend hosted an Usborne book party. When my oldest was turning 3, we were unable to host a traditional birthday party due to Covid quarantines. Instead, I hosted an Usborne book party on Facebook through a friend who had just become a consultant. It was so fun because as my friends purchased books for their own family, we earned credit to purchase books for Mills’ birthday. I also created a wish list, so some friends also bought books to send to Mills as a birthday gift! We added dozens of books to our home library that year!

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