Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Biblical Truths for Children

As a Christian mama, it is a privilege to teach my children about Jesus. I am passionate about speaking Biblical truth into their lives. My greatest hope in life is for my children to love and serve Jesus. But this isn’t a choice I can make for them. It’s a choice only they can make for themselves. So in the waiting, I’ll watch them grow. As I feed them nutritious meals and sign them up for soccer and schedule play dates, I’ll also teach them the foundational truths of the Bible that can change and shape their lives. To all the mamas raising children, I’m cheering you on as you pray for and lead your children, too.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

How I Teach My Children

Hey friends! I’m so glad you’re here and ready to read about how I teach my toddlers! In the following paragraphs, I’m referencing my experience teaching my oldest child who just turned 4. I’m currently teaching my 19 month old using the same progression and resources. For more information about each individual resource, you can browse my blog posts. You can view and purchase my resources in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. To see my resources in action, you can browse my Instagram highlights (@francieoutlaw).

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Toddler Number Resource: Numbers 11-20

All of my resources are inspired by my own toddler. They have each been carefully created to capture his attention, develop a love for learning, and to keep learning simple and fun! As he began to show an interest in numbers, I created the Toddler Number Resource: Numbers 0-10. My child loved this resource. He was inspired to learn, felt proud of his accomplishments, and mastered the skills. To keep the learning going, I created my Toddler Number Resource: Numbers 11-20. It was a seamless way to continue his understanding of numbers. My toddler was around 2 1/2 when we began using this resource; however, it is appropriate for children up to age 6.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Toddler Number Resource: Numbers 0-10

My toddler had recently turned 2 when he started showing interest in numbers. He was suddenly counting to 10 and always wanted to work on his number puzzle. He really leads the way in our learning. Since he was showing interest, I knew it was time to create a few fun and engaging learning activities. My Toddler Number Resource: Numbers 1-10 includes activities that give my toddler opportunities to recognize numbers, write numbers, and count.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Toddler Alphabet Resource

Around the time my child turned 2, he started to sing his ABCs and would point out letters when he saw them. With a desire to teach my child the alphabet beyond memorization, I created the Toddler Alphabet Resource. Through songs, painting, and tracing, I taught my child letter names, letter sounds, handwriting skills, and even painting etiquette. This resource was created for children ages 2-6.

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Francie Outlaw Francie Outlaw

Toddler Learning Resource: Colors, Matching, Patterns, & Shapes

I never anticipated creating activities that would give mamas the opportunity to teach their toddlers. However, four years in the classroom followed by the decision to be a stay at home mama has led me here. My hope is to equip mamas with the tools and wisdom they need to teach their toddlers. I know how overwhelming this holy task may seem. It is such an honor to teach our babies, but where and how do we start? My prayer is that these learning resources will empower you. May you feel confident and prepared as you begin to intentionally teach your child!

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