Biblical Truths for Children

As a Christian mama, it is a privilege to teach my children about Jesus. I am passionate about speaking Biblical truth into their lives. My greatest hope in life is for my children to love and serve Jesus. But this isn’t a choice I can make for them. It’s a choice only they can make for themselves. So in the waiting, I’ll watch them grow. As I feed them nutritious meals and sign them up for soccer and schedule play dates, I’ll also teach them the foundational truths of the Bible that can change and shape their lives. To all the mamas raising children, I’m cheering you on as you pray for and lead your children, too.

There are 10 Biblical truths I want to intentionally share with my children:

  1. God created everything

  2. God keeps His promises.

  3. God loves me.

  4. I have a purpose.

  5. Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins.

  6. The Holy Spirit is my helper.

  7. Jesus is the son of God.

  8. I can pray to God.

  9. I can worship God.

  10. God speaks to me through His Word.

I created a FREE 105-page resource for families. My Biblical Truths for Children resource shares 10 Biblical truths in kid-friendly language and illustrations. Children will have opportunities to complete both matching and art activities. Before I share more about the resource, let’s talk about how to set it up and what supplies you’ll need.


Before I walk you through the resource, let me mention a few things about set-up.

Let's start with printing. I own a color laser printer, so I print from home. If you don't own a printer, I think it's a great investment! However, always do what is best for your family! If you are looking for a reasonable printing company, I recommend The Homeschool Printing Company or Family Nest Printing.

I chose to laminate most of the pages in this resource. I adore laminated pages because they are sturdy and essentially toddler-proof. If you want your pages to be laminated, I would recommend purchasing a personal laminator and laminating pouches. I do NOT recommend paying a company to laminate this resource because it is typically extremely expensive.

For my Biblical Truths for Children resource, I recommend laminating all matching activities and securing the matching pieces using clear velcro dots. You can head over to my Instagram (@francieoutlaw) and view my highlight “Biblical Truths for Children” to see a completed binder.

Supply List

Here is a list of the supplies I needed to set up my child's Biblical Truths Resource:

All About the Resource

God created everything.

At a young age, our children can know God as Creator. As our children explore the world around them, the foundational truth that God created everything becomes a very powerful truth! The rain and sun help the plants to grow, and the butterflies burst from their cocoons. And it all glorifies a powerful and wonderful God!

Read the story of creation from your favorite children’s bible (we love The Jesus Storybook Bible & The Rhyme Bible) As you read, have your child match each image on the “God created everything” page. There are many craft ideas on Pinterest, but my favorite way to make the creation story come to life is to spend time in God’s creation! Go a nature walk, take a trip to your local zoo, find a pond to feed the fish, plant a garden, or lay on a blanket under the stars. Admire God’s creation alongside your children, and affirm the truth that God created everything.

We love this song and this song. We also love this video all about creation!

God loves me.

God’s love is unconditional, and I want my children to know the depths of His love. May our children always know and receive the extravagant love of God. As your child matches the different colored hearts, use the words of 1 Corinthians 13 to teach your child about the love of God.

Share God’s love with others. Write letters, deliver treats, serve others. Be the hands and feet of Jesus alongside your children.

God keeps His promises.

I want my children to know that God is trustworthy. He keeps His promises. When teaching this truth, begin by reading the story of Noah and the ark from your children’s Bible. Discuss the covenant that God made with mankind when he placed the rainbow in the sky. Browse Pinterest for a “rainbow craft” and enjoy some animal crackers with your kids! We love this song and this video about God’s promises.

This biblical truth activity shares 6 promises of God that are true for us today. Using the “God keeps His promises” page, introduce each of the promises to your child, explaining how the pictures represent each promise. Use the art pages to teach each promise to your child. The art pages include the promise, the picture, and a Bible verse. Below I’ve shared a song for each truth.

I have a purpose.

Our purpose is all about loving and serving others because this is the heart of God! He is a generous and loving God. Using the “I Have a Purpose” page, share the 6 ways we can fulfill our purpose. Memorize Mark 12:30 with your children, listen to the song This Little Light of Mine, and discuss ways your family can serve others! Maybe it’s time to donate toys, deliver treats to community helpers, or volunteer! Discuss ways your family can serve and love those around you! This kindness chain may be the perfect addition to your home!

  • I was created to love people.

  • I was created to help people.

  • I was created to tell people about Jesus.

  • I was created to love God.

  • I was created to worship God.

  • I was created to make a difference.

The children’s ministry of our church teaches 4 values that we’ve adopted in our home. These values define the way we live our life each day:

Love God - Love People - Do Your Best - Have Fun

Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins.

Use the biblical truth page “Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins” to discuss the birth, life, and death of Jesus. If being a Christian means accepting Jesus’ death on the cross as payment for our sin, it’s important for our children to learn about the life of Jesus. Use your favorite children’s bible to read stories about Jesus. I’ll list the chapter titles and page numbers of stories that you can find in The Jesus Storybook Bible.

  • Jesus was born in a manger: “He’s here!” (page 176)

  • Jesus was a teacher: “The Singer” (page 228)

  • Jesus performed miracles: “Filled full” (page 244)

  • Jesus died on the cross: “The sun stops shining” (page 302)

  • Jesus was buried in the tomb: “The sun stops shining” (page 302)

  • Jesus rose from the dead: “God’s wonderful surprise” (page 310)

The Holy Spirit is my helper.

For this biblical truth page, your child will be matching the different fruits of the spirit. Growing up, I always though the fruits of the spirit were a checklist for good Christian behavior. The reality is this: we are sinful, we need God’s grace, and the Holy Spirit will help us live with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Holy Spirit is a gift for Christ-followers. When we choose to love Jesus and honor Him with our lives, the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us each day.

God's Wonderful Gift is a 22 minute video that takes children on a Bible adventure to learn “Why does God’s Holy Spirit live in you?” As parents, sometimes we fumble over our words or feel like we don’t have quite the right thing to say or we don’t even know where to start. Watch this video alongside your child. I hope it gives you a place to begin in your conversations about the Holy Spirit.

This song is also super fun for kids!

Jesus is the Son of God.

“The grace of Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” — 2 Corinthians 13:14 describes the Trinity beautifully. Understanding God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is a confusing truth for children. My hope is that the diagram on the “Jesus is the Son of God” page provides children with a simple visualization of this biblical truth. As you share with your child how God is three in one, share the unique attributes of each person: our loving Father, Jesus our Savior, and our helper, the Holy Spirit. This video, Who is the Holy Spirit?, does a fabulous job describing how God is a triune being.

I can pray to God.

I want my children to be confident and comfortable with prayer. The Lord’s Prayer is commonly recited amongst believers, and I believe it’s both easy and important to memorize the words of The Lord’s Prayer. The images on the “I can pray to God” page will help your child remember each line.

But beyond this basic memorization, we must remember that when Jesus spoke the words of the Lord’s Prayer, He was teaching us how to pray. Our church has a fabulous guide that outlines the Lord’s prayer in a very practical way. I’ve linked the guide here in case you’d like to view it in its entirety. It may be helpful as you teach your children about the purpose of the Lord’s prayer.

In my Biblical Truths for Children resource, you’ll also find prayer cards. These prayer cards serve as reminders to your children of all the things they can pray about.

I can worship God.

We worship God every single day, even in the most mundane tasks. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” We were created in God’s image, and when we live our life to glorify Him, we worship Him! Use this biblical truth page to remind your child of all the ways we can use our lives to worship God each day.

Use the art pages to discuss this biblical truth with your children.

  • I worship God when I pray: How does prayer worship God? When can we pray?

  • I worship God when I give: What is tithing? What can we give besides money?

  • I worship God when I sing: What does it look like to worship God through song?

  • I worship God when I share God’s love: Why does God want us to share His love with others? How can we share God’s love?

My hope is that these conversations will shape your child’s relationship and posture toward God.

God speaks to me through His Word.

The “God speaks to me through his Word” matching page is perfect for introducing your children to commonly shared Bible verses. As your child matches each card, read and discuss the verse.

The ABC scripture memory cards are my favorite and our most used item in this resource. Memorize one verse a day or one a week. However you decide to use these in your home, both you and your children will memorize scripture together! My prayer is that these verses will be held in their hearts and minds forever.

*As a bonus, you’ll find ABC art pages at the end of this resource!

It is a joy to offer this resource to you for free. I pray it blesses your family!


How I Teach My Children