The Words We Will Never Forget

"There are many things wrong with your baby."


Today we learned that our baby isn’t expected to live. As you can see on the ultrasound, our anatomy scan showed an omphalocele. About 50% of the time, an omphalocele is present with no other issues, meaning it can be surgically corrected immediately after birth. However, 50% of the time, the omphalocele is just a signal to a greater genetic issue. We were referred to a high risk pregnancy physician to determine if our baby’s omphalocele was isolated or connected to other genetic defects.

Today we received the news that makes our hearts ache. We learned that our baby’s liver, intestines, stomach, and gallbladder were located in the omphalocele, which means they are growing in a sac outside of the body. We also learned that our baby’s heart, brain, arms, legs, facial bones, and genitalia are not developing normally. All of this yields a genetic disorder. We have decided to pursue further genetic testing to learn exactly what our baby is facing. It isn’t expected that our baby will live, but we serve a miracle providing God and we are in full submission to His plan. Today we received facts, but we are looking at the facts with hearts full of faith. He’s the God of miracles!

Why am I sharing this? Because God is after His glory. It’s easy to say that God is good when a miracle happens. But are we willing to believe He’s good during the valley? I am. I believe He’s closer to me right now than ever before. I believe He’s not offended by my raw emotions and selfish questions. I believe He is always good.

Continue to pray for us and with us. I’m not sure what this season of life is going to look like these next few months. But I do know that this baby will be fiercely loved and prayed for. And I know death is never the answer because Jesus already has the victory! We’re believing for miraculous healing. Lord, have your way.

“God, your way is holy. What god is great like God? You are the God who works wonders.” Psalm 77:13-14


When You’re Not Okay


15 Weeks Pregnant