John Haven’s Bucket List

John Haven has been golfing with daddy and shopping with mama. He's been to the lake and a baseball game. He's been to the zoo a dozen times. He's been to the park and watched his brother ride his trike all over the neighborhood. He's watched all of Mills' favorite shows and helped his mama cook daddy's favorite meals. He's eaten at so many of our favorite restaurants and loves sweets just as much as his mama. 

What a life he is living! In the safety of my womb, he's experiencing life. He's a significant part of our family. In this season, so many of our decisions revolve around John Haven. We want him to experience the world. We want to create joyful moments with him. And we are, praise the Lord!

At the top of his bucket list was a family beach trip. We weren't sure about the details, but we were prayerfully hoping a mini vacation would divinely fall into place. I dreamed of having all of my boys at the beach together. For John Haven to play in the water with his brother. To see the ocean and feel the waves. To watch a sunset and taste the ocean air. I am so thankful for the days our family was able to spend together at the beach. I'll remember them forever!


28 Weeks Pregnant


27 Weeks Pregnant